The Past, Present and Future of Web-to Print


The Internet has changed a lot of industries. How printed materials are produced and distributed has been especially impacted. Web-to print is a growing print management system, and the latest example of how technology makes everything more efficient.

Thanks to this system, start ups and small business can get their message across and compete in the marketplace with larger competitors. This wasn’t always the case however.


Traditional printing has been around for centuries, but since the birth of the internet, the process started to become more streamlined. Web-to-print is a result of this. It wasn’t until the late 1990s and early 2000s that this printing method took off. Much of the web-to-print services were used by large companies due to the cost. However, the second half of 2000s saw web-to print moving towards cloud computing, reducing printer costs and leading the way for any business to affordably print its materials.


Although web printing is new, it’s quickly developing the premier printing method. Web printing has become feature-rich.  Printing materials can be customised in a multitude of ways to fit all sort of brand and business needs.

Almost 90% printing businesses have embraced web-to print for its better production, higher traffic and efficiency.


The future of web printing is laden with greater customization, speed and cost-effectiveness. Cloud computing is already improving the industry, providing businesses a ‘print-anywhere’ solution to their files. Companies no longer need to carry USB keys to get their printing done, let alone hard copies. They just need to sign into their accounts and it’s done.

Traditional printing is a lot of work and is slower. In contrast, web-to print is faster and simpler. Companies make use of web-to print to publicize their message. With in-built templates and a good online design tool, web-to print can capably manage your brand’s identity and logo without hassle.

The future scope of web printing is bright and promising. The reduced cost and customization means that any business, no matter how small or new, can deliver its message.

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